Philips Shavers

New Assembly line

Philips Shavers assemblage lijnErgo-Design has a provided significant contribution to the development of the production concept for the successful shaver with the working title Orca. Team leader Pieter Oosting at Philips: “Our Orca assembly is U-shaped. All sub-assembly lines are directly connected and thus no longer require interim buffers between our buffers. If something goes wrong, it is immediately visible and can be easily discussed. Even the packaging is directly linked to the assembly line, so that complete finished products leave the line. “

Production engineer Bas van der Hoek: “Thanks to the Ergo-Design specialists and their support with 3D software, we can integrally oversee the complete production hall, with operators, machines and buffers. It’s nice that we can see the line and workplaces and from every point of view. The ergonomics of the operators is guaranteed by use of human models with the correct dimensions, reach and scope. The designed workstations can therefore be implemented quickly, to the satisfaction of the employees “(source: Close newsletter of Philips DAP).

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